Fashionizer’s big picture annual
Reading Time: 3 minutesWhen you have been doing something for a long time, it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture.
So much of our time is spent doing things that need to be done urgently – deadlines, new openings, shipping dates to meet… But how often do we get the opportunity to stop and reflect on what has been achieved,what did and didn’t work, how that determines what we are going to do next, and indeed what we are going to do next?
Stopping is not generally part our daily routine (coffee and comfort breaks are allowed!) but we think that it is essential to create space to think once in a while. Now is as good a time as any to take advantage of the summer lull in production activity and Fashionizer has just spent the best part of three days taking stock (not literally) of how the business has performed in the past year and what our plans are for the future.
A worthwhile process? Well, we asked a group of people with very high standards who are usually not backwards in coming forwards with their opinions for their verdict:Our team.
“Because we are so busy, it is good to have down-time for discussion,” says Richard, our product development manager. “It encourages collaboration between departments and everyone gains a clear perspective of what we are trying to achieve. It is also positive to look back on the challenges and achievements.”
One way that Richard can measure his achievements is in statistics. In the last financial year, Fashionizer produced nearly 19,000 garments in more than 300 different styles -that’s more than 50 for every single day of the year.
Breaking down statistics can reveal a few surprises – and provide a platform for opportunities. We knew that men’s uniforms provided a substantial part of our business, but Richard revealed that more than half of orders were for men’s clothing. It makes sense: one of recent projects was Four Seasons Resort Dubai at Jumeirah Beach where there is a higher ratio of male staff.
For Dorota, our sales and marketing manager, it was a chance to show colleagues what challenges her department faces:“Marketing is not just about sitting on Facebook all day! “ With 34 mentions of Fashionizer and Fashionizer Spa in the trade press in the past year, her point is proved.
But whilst it’s great to pat ourselves on the back once in a while, it’s really all about the next step. So, here’s a glimpse into the Fashionizer future:
Expect more accessories: Last year our plan was to extend our range and it’s always gratifying when things go according to plan: 4% of our business came from accessories such as shoes, belts and hats, and it’s probably no surprise that we will be doing more of the same. Watch out for them in our online shop.
Spa extra: We are extending our spa range, so look out for new styles and new fabrics – and we’ll be adding to our men’s collection.
One for the techies: We will be rolling out our new online ordering and management system for our regular customers. Efficient, user-friendly, makes life easier. What’s not to like?
Focus on France: Our new marketing and sales recruit Julia comes from glamorous Biarritz, so she knows a bit about style. She has enthused us all with some very, very exciting French ideas, so watch this space…
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