Four Seasons Resort Dubai: The Heat Is On

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s currently 40 degrees in Dubai, and our latest project is hotting up!

The reason for the unprompted weather forecast is that five of our trusty team have just left for the Middle East. Their destination is the soon-to-open Four Seasons Resort Dubai at Jumeirah Beach and the mission, which they have accepted, is to make sure that everyone has a uniform that fits.

A few weeks past we despatched our uniforms to the resort. Now the Fashionizer Famous Five have the chance to see the garments in situ and actually see what they look like on the people who will be wearing them. More than 550 Four Seasons staff will be scrutinised: Is the uniform the right length? Does it need to be taken in, or let out? How does it sit on the shoulders? On the hips?

It’s not just about size: diversity of recruitment from across the globe means diversity of body shapes, so each member of staff has to have the personal treatment to ensure that the fit of their uniform is just perfect.

But that’s not the end of it. The Five will be carrying alterations on site, with help from local companies. To give a tiny glimpse of what that means, take trousers. With 300 or so members of staff needing three pairs of trousers each, they’ll have around 1,000 pairs of trousers to shorten. Probably more. That’s 2,000 legs! But who’s counting by then? Well, our team will be. We’re relying on them to keep their cool and keep tally in the desert heat.

Not that the team back home (London temperature: nowhere near 40 degrees) have been able to out their feet up. Accessories are an important part of any uniform programme and the production department are dealing with the final touches: belts (handmade in the UK, don’t you know), embroidery on caps and liaising with Portugal to produce an unexpectedly large pair of shoes.

It’s not all over for the design team either: they are preparing manuals, care instructions and information for the management team in Dubai so they know who is wearing which garment and what needs to be done to ensure the uniforms are kept in pristine condition.

Phew. At the end of it all we might need a holiday. Beach in Dubai, anyone?


Comments: 1
I don't think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.
Blog | Four Seasons Dubai meets Rio 2016
[…] currently has a team out in Dubai fitting the uniforms for Four Seasons Resort at Jumeirah beach, and, whilst none of the staff are weightlifters or gymnasts (well, as far as we […]