What makes an award-winning hotel?
Reading Time: 2 minutesAny guide to winning an award would be sure to include everything from stylish interior design, exceptional F&B and an attentive concierge service through to the loveliest bed linen and the most deliciously fragrant bathroom products.
If only it were that simple…
So what’s the secret? This month two of our clients have won awards: The Ned in London, who scooped four gongs at the AHEAD awards, including the prestigious Hotel of the Year; and The Merrion, Dublin, judged to be Ireland’s top 5* hotel in the Trivago Awards.
What these two award-winning clients have in common is that they both have a commitment to excellence and a clear vision of their unique position in the marketplace. They see the big picture, but, at the same time, are keenly aware of the importance of the detail needed to achieve this. It is a challenging approach, but one which we relish as we play by the same rules. It’s no coincidence that Fashionizer, in its 25-year history, has designed and manufactured uniforms for a whole raft of award-winners. It’s because we also see the vision and consider our uniforms to be part of the big picture.
Judge and jury
The judges at the Awards for Hospitality, Experience and Design (AHEAD) have their own vision of what makes a winner. For them, it wasn’t enough to be “aesthetically impressive”. Qualities such as appropriateness, sensible use of budget, the guest experience and satisfying the client brief. We like their style.
The Merrion’s Trivago award was judged in a very different way, measuring the opinions of the guests through a comprehensive analysis of online guest reviews. Guests can be tough critics, and we all know that people are more likely to post a negative review than a positive one. It makes The Merrion’s achievement all the more impressive.
The Ned’s MD has his own, rather tongue-in-cheek analysis of the secrets of their award-winning success: it’s all down to our uniforms…