Looking On The Bright Side Of 2017
Reading Time: 3 minutesWhat a start to 2017.
You’d be forgiven for thinking that the world looks…well, a little on the gloomy side. As a business we have been looking at rate and rent rises and currency fluctuations in 2017. In politics too, it seems that the rule-book is being ripped up, what with Brexit rumbling on and Trump in the White House (for the record, this is not a fake blog).
But at Fashionizer we’ve always taken the view that it’s much more productive to keep your head when all around you are losing theirs. So we’re going to stick our necks out and say that there are still reasons to be cheerful, and that is mainly because have some very exciting plans up our elegantly coutured sleeves. We’ll be revealing more in the coming months, but here’s a tantalising snippet of what Fashionizer’s calendar looks like in 2017.
Starting 2017 at Fashionizer
1. Brand new look
A lot has changed at Fashionizer since we launched our current logo. Time, then, to look again at our branding. We have started with our logo, which is getting an upgrade – we’re talking colour palette, typeface and a clever little graphic. We’re also revamping our brand messages across both our companies to reflect the fact that Fashionizer Spa has grown up and now needs its own space in the Fashionizer studio.
2. Watch out for our website
Our existing one has done us great service – and we were very excited about it four years ago when we launched it. But four years is a long time in technology, and a new look is now due. We will be revealing all very soon, but just as a teaser: it’s clean, classy, stylish and very much reflects what our clients have told us they like about us
3. New faces
Big ideas need a bigger team. Marketing Director Katie, supported by Exec Alexandra joined us this month. In the background, fighting for the best deal for our customers and expanding our supply chain is Avril in the production department. In March, fabric buyer and product developer, Lisa, is bringing her extensive experience at DKNY to Fashionizer. Already up and running is our new Middle East sales representative, Mohamed, who’ll be keeping Fashionizer on the map in Dubai
4. To (knee)cap it all
Some shiny new things are already in place. Our MD Debbie stepped into the new year with a state-of-the art new knee. We are expecting it to last through the next three re-brands…